Supporting Your Child’s Musical Journey

Four ways to encourage and help your child in music


As music therapists and music educators, we are so thankful for the support that we continuously receive from the parents of our students. We often see how invested and involved you are in your child’s growth and progress.

Parents frequently ask us how they can best support their child’s musical journey.

Here are some ways that you can support your child in their music lessons or sessions:


It is important to keep in contact with your teacher/therapist about your child’s progress. Clearly communicating with us what you and your child’s goals are and is working and not working throughout their musical journey will help us figure out more quickly what teaching and therapy style works best.


Practice, practice, practice!

Most students have one lesson a week, and usually by the following week the concepts taught in the previous lesson have been mostly, if not completely, forgotten. Practicing throughout the week will help your child to not only retain the concepts learned, but to also improve at a much faster pace.


We often suggest creating a practice schedule with your child to help ensure consistent practice time throughout the week. Especially with our younger students, sitting down to practice with them (even if you don’t play piano yourself) is a great way to spend time with them and helps them to stay engaged.


Consistent practicing leads to improvement, which is motivation in itself for many of our students!


Performances and exams

Playing for others, whether it is for family members at home or complete strangers in a concert hall, is often intimidating for a lot of our students. However, musical performances and exams not only gives your child a goal to work towards (also a great way to motivate them to practice), but also teaches them many skills that can help with their future endeavors.


Exams, specifically, provide students with feedback on their playing level and are a great way to set goals for lessons.


Performances help students to be more comfortable with public speaking and presentations, teaches them to recognize and celebrate their accomplishments, and teaches them to be able to make mistakes in front of others. TPSMTS offers our students an opportunity to participate in the End-of-the-Year Party & Recital every year (you can read more about how we prepare for the recitals AND peek at our virtual recitals from 2020 and 2021!), but feel free to arrange for informal, mini “recitals” at home as well!



Most of us understand that encouragement, especially for children, is very important for growth (read more about our thoughts on growth mindset here). However, we cannot stress enough how crucial it is for their musical learning process. Make sure that you acknowledge every little milestone with them. Whether it is learning a new note to finishing their book, every bit of encouragement means a lot to your child.


Of course, verbal praise and rewards are effective, but you can also show your appreciation by asking your child to show you what they have learned or maybe to play for you their favourite songs. You can record videos of their playing to send to other family members. Learning a new instrument is hard, but acknowledgement of all their efforts goes a long way in both their improvement and enjoyment of the learning process.


Every student’s needs are unique, so if you have questions about your child’s progress, please let your teacher/therapist know. We are more than happy to give you tips to further support your child’s musical journey!

If you are interested in music lessons and/or music therapy sessions for your child (or yourself!), please reach out and contact us.

Music Therapists Need Music Therapy, Too: A Reflection

How music helped soothe an exhausted and stressed music therapist.

Music Therapists Need Music Therapy Too: A Reflection
Written by Tamara Leszner-Rovet


Speaking from my experience, I have been laser focused over the past 2.5 years in supporting my students/clients (both that I work with directly and indirectly), their families, our team, and my own family through all the ebbs and flows of this pandemic.


I have been running on fumes. I have been in a constant state of exhaustion which has shown up in my physical and mental health. I have been feeling so “done,” burned out, and my motivation to practice self-care has gone by the wayside.


I have found that finally going back to “normal,” while it is absolutely wonderful in itself, has been even more exhausting (in some ways, more than the pandemic itself!). This has shown, yet again, how deeply this pandemic has affected everyone in various ways. It has been just joyful to see normalcy and people finally living again. Still, it has been extremely hard to readjust.


I had the privilege of listening to one of my long-time students as they prepared for our “End-of-the-Year Party and Recitals” a month ago. They will be off to university in the fall, and this was one of our last lessons together. After working with this student since they were a young child, this almost felt surreal.


As they did a practice performance run on this particular day, playing two pieces by two of my favourite composers, watching the sun hit the trees just right through their bay window, I felt my body relax for the first time in a long time. I was able to sit back, enjoy their music, and realize just how truly exhausted I have been.


As a music therapist and music teacher, often at the end of a long clinical day we want to do anything but listen to music after singing, performing, and listening to other people’s musical preferences all day long.


On this day, the student became the teacher. This amazing student gave back after all the years we have spent fostering a love of playing the piano, of music in general, and cultivating a passion that I know will continue far beyond our lessons together. I do not believe in that moment this student realized how much I needed what they gave me.


For a few minutes, all the stress I had been feeling just melted away. For a few minutes, the world was still and I felt a sense of calmness I had not experienced in a long while. For a few minutes, I experienced joy and a sense of hope.


And as I drove home with tears streaming down my face so grateful for this experience, I realized that every minute of hard work and laser focus has been worth it.


Those few minutes renewed my passion for the work I do and what the future holds. Now more than ever, music therapists need music therapy too.


5 Musical Instruments to Make at Home (with Instructions!)

Get crafty and create music with these DIY Instruments!

Written by Yu Kwei Chan

Here are some creative instruments made from everyday items for a fun activity at home, to use during your music therapy sessions (especially if you are receiving sessions via Telehealth), or to begin building your very own band to make music with your family and friends!

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We pivoted once, now we pivoted twice: Adjusting to our “new normal”

Written by Tamara Leszner-Rovet

How our music therapy practice and piano studio is moving forward

As you have seen on the blog over the past few months, we have been discussing our transition to Telehealth (online) lessons/sessions. We have discussed in detail the benefits we have seen, and what we have learned using this new platform to ensure our students/clients maintain a sense of normalcy, routine, and their motivation and progress during this unpredictable time.


Toward the end of May, we were given the go-ahead to begin resuming in-person lessons/sessions with strict health and safety protocols in place, as set out by our regulating college and public health.


This transition was slow, first starting with “urgent” students/clients who for a variety of reasons, could not be seen on Telehealth (online) through this time. About a week later, we were able to begin transitioning all our students/clients who were comfortable back to in-person lessons/sessions.


Very quickly, we needed to pivot again and put clear contingency plans in place to ensure the safety of our teachers/therapists, students/clients, and their families. Here are some examples of the health and safety measures that are now a part of our “new normal”:


Frequent hand sanitizing and hand washing:

Whether we are seeing students/clients in the studio or in their home, the first thing we do is ensure they wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before and after each lesson/session. Our teachers/therapists do the same.


All our teachers/therapists are required to wear a mask during every lesson/session. We strongly encourage students/clients to wear masks as well, but in some circumstances this is not possible. If this is the case, our teachers/therapists wear face shields in addition to masks for everyone’s protection.


Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning!

In each studio and in the bathroom, you will find a litany of cleaning supplies used before and after each lesson/session, as well as during lessons/sessions to make sure that any used instruments and/or supplies, frequently touched surfaces, etc. are cleaned and disinfected promptly.


If you are visiting the studio, you will see checklists around the entire space: entryway, stairwell, hallway, treble clef studio, bass clef studio, bathroom, and waiting room. There are checklists for all the possible items, surfaces, etc. that could be touched in each area, and students/clients and their families can see when everything was last cleaned.


Studio safety

Our studio is definitely quieter these days! We are allowing students/clients in one at a time (with some exception to siblings), typically with an accompanying adult waiting outside. We are starting to implement staggered start and end times as well. The waiting room is no longer a hub for coffee, snacks, toys, games, or a place to “hang out” while lessons/sessions are being conducted.

At all times, we respect the varying comfort levels of each student/client and their families. Telehealth (online) lessons/sessions continue to be available for families who prefer this platform, and/or for families to utilize until they are comfortable resuming in-person lessons/sessions.


Though this “new normal” has brought a lot of changes to how we run our day to day operations, there is no question that our teachers/therapists and students/clients alike have been so happy to start seeing each other in-person again!


As further restrictions begin to ease, we look forward to continue resuming in-person lessons/sessions with all our students/clients as the summer goes on, and into the new school year!


As always, we wish everyone continued health and safety amidst these extraordinary times!


Six Takeaways from Telehealth Music Lessons/Music Therapy Sessions

What the TPSMTS Team Has Learned Through Telehealth (Online) Lessons/Sessions

Tamara’s Piano Studio and Music Therapy Services (TPSMTS) has now been conducting Telehealth/Online lessons and sessions amidst these extraordinary times for 8 weeks now.

Our teachers and therapists have learned many new skills and dedicated time to furthering our techniques through this process!


1. Our students and clients continue to focus.

There have been many students/clients that we initially thought moving to Telehealth lessons/sessions would be difficult for. Despite our initial reservations, we have found that students/clients we thought may struggle have been doing quite well! We have found that some of our students/clients are actually focusing better with Telehealth lessons/sessions!

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Transitioning to Telehealth (Online) Music Lessons/Music Therapy Sessions

Providing a sense of normalcy and routine in uncertain times.

Written by Gabriella Serruya


During these extraordinary times, many businesses and services have unfortunately been halted or cancelled. This affects our daily routines, but not as much as it does for the children we work with.

We know that most children with developmental delays strive on having normalcy and routine with their activities, and not being able to go to school or have regular services throws a wrench in their growth and development.

Many services have moved to an online or virtual platform to continue providing services, and TPSMTS has done this as well. While Telehealth lessons/sessions will not have the same impact and effect as in-person lessons/sessions, they still have many benefits.


During this uncertainty in most parts of our lives, the thing that TPSMTS been able to keep consistent is our music lessons/sessions through Telehealth (online) lessons/sessions.

Online lessons/sessions are giving students/clients a small element of routine in an otherwise crazy time.

Telehealth lessons/sessions are provided through a video chat application that allows for real-time interaction and (virtual) ‘face-to-face’ communication. Through the use of a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant platform, services can be provided in a safe, fun, and consistent manner.

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“I Can’t…Yet!”

Cultivating a growth mindset in music therapy and music education

Written by Yu Kwei Chan

A while back, I had the privilege of teaching a student who had given me a look while playing a difficult song and said, “wait, don’t help me, I can do it!” I was so impressed by the student’s willingness for independent learning that it made me rethink teaching approaches of not only music, but also of the mindset of my students.


So many times as a teacher, therapist, and caregiver, I have heard the words “I can’t,” “I don’t know,” or “I need help” after asking a question. Our desire for immediacy in answers and to “help” when people are in need can result in taking away a person’s ability to learn on problem solve on their own.

To combat this learned helplessness here are some phrases we can use to redirect and implement for not only the students, but also for ourselves when we are struggling with a task and doubting our abilities:

  • I don’t know right now, but I will be closer after I work on…
  • Please give me a minute to think about what should come next!
  • I’m confused about __________ (an exact point).
  • I know how to do ___________ but don’t know _________. The next step that makes the most sense is __________.
  • In the past when I didn’t know, one thing that worked for me was ___________.
  • I improve when I practice.
  • Let me try a different strategy.
  • “I can’t do it … yet!” and try again.
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Music in Tonal Languages

How music works in different languages

Written by Jane Hong


Many people in the world speak tonal languages – where pitch contributes to the meaning of a word. Tone in these languages are phenomic, meaning that a change in pitch or pitch contour of a word can drastically change the meaning of a word. For example, in Cantonese, altering the tone of “mother” (maa1) will result in you calling her “grandma” (maa4) or “horse” (maa5).

Since pitch is also a main component of music, many people wonder what happens when the two intertwine.

For some tonal languages, such as Mandarin Chinese, the melody usually takes over and the 4 tones in the spoken language are ignored. Mandarin speakers should still be able to discern the meaning of the song by the pronunciation of the word without the tonal information. However, some words may still be confusing on rare occasions.

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Improving Attention Through Music Therapy

Why attention is so important in lessons and sessions

In both music therapy and music education, attention is at the forefront.

No music therapy goals could be attained if attention isn’t held. Similarly in music education, no musical elements would be learned without attention as the foundation. However small these moments of focus may be, without them, no progress would be made.

“Without attention, it would not be possible to think, learn, remember, communicate, or problem solve.”
(Thaut & Hoemberg, 257).


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Developmental Speech and Language Training Through Music

Learn how songs bridge music with lyrics…

There is a strong correlation between music and language. We are exposed to this anytime we hear a song; songs bridge music with lyrics.

When an individual’s language is impaired, pairing music and language is an effective way to improve these skills. Developmental Speech and Language Training Through Music (DSLM), a Neurologic Music Therapy technique, aims to do just that.


DSLM can target various aspects of speech and language

Some of these goals include:
Speech production
  • Articulation
  • Intelligibility
Language development
  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar
  • Syntax
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